Monday 12 November 2012

Filming Progression

When fiming our video we had some difficulties as our location which was my house, we had the cleaner come to the house and we had to hurry up with some of our clips in order to get out of her way this unfortunately happened coninidently on both the days we decided to film. With better organisation we could have re-arranged a day where the cleaner was not there. Aswell as this when we did our first filming session the lightint from outside was a lot darker than the second time we filmed this therefore mean't that in some of the clips the lighting may appear different to other clips.  Also our choice of character became really hard to be able to get Meg (our artist) again to be able to film without her being busy, at college or unable to get to the location. Therefore to overcome this I had to pick her up and bring her back to the location in order to be able to film. With all of these factors combined we had slightly fallen behind with our schedule and missed out some filming of clips meaning we had gaps in our draft which we still need to film. For our final one I think we will refilm certain clips of the video to get our ideal lighting and do the bits we have missed out.

1 comment:

  1. Liv and Sammy

    Mr Smith here. In order to help you stick with narrative, keep the puppet idea and make the most of your singer without simply plagiarising the original here is an idea. To keep the pop feel as well as the cute comical effect without compromising the narrative OR making to much work for your self you could try something along the following lines:

    Adam Buxton crossed with big babies version crossed with Vic and Bob as Otis Reading and Marvin Gaye crossed with diddy Dick and Dom crossed with supergrass crossed with Aqua

    These videos have the BRIGHT COLOUR the humour, the POP, the originality, the energy etc that you will need whilst being very simply to set up (basically stick your head through a black curtain or two big cushions on a setee. I know what I mean but am aware that it may not be immediately obvious from those videos.
