Monday 19 November 2012

New Ideas For Remaking The Video

From recieving feedback of our music video we have been advised to change a fair few parts of our video such as creating and coming up with a better way to use our 'Alfie' puppet or having different scenes and locations. After having conversations and discussing what ways we are able to do this, we managed to come up with some ideas, these ideas are as followed.

1. We could use a young boy around age 9 which would completly change our idea of the puppet however would still create a good effect which would tie in with the video and the puppet scenes as we wouldnt have used someone older, which could hold the potential of taking the comedy effect away as it wouldn't portrait a realistic sense within the video of a young boy needing a job etc. An example of this which inspired us with this idea is

2. Take off the puppets head and replace it with another real life boys head which would mean that our video would still include the puppet sense, just have another comedy side to it by using another head which could potentially be really good as it would enable us to give the puppet real facial expressions rather than just the same face which it does now. This could also add to our video maintaing a comedy feel. An example of this which has inspired us is this

3. Change the location and use more of a 'doll house' which would emphasise the bright colours and 'plastic' look of everything. This therefore would mean that we still would hold a strong looking video that would stand out the puppet and add a clearer effect of what style our video which is mean't to be 'puppet like' and 'fake'. An example of this idea that has inspired us is this

4. Use the idea of having a puppet set up such as red/black curtains and act out pupet scenes through that during the video to emphasise and develop the idea of using the puppet in the first place to make it clear of the idea and portrait a strong theme throughout the video making it interesting and different.

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